Category Archives: Empowerment

Life has changed!

PSI’ve not done much blogging over the last few years as my life has been a bit of a roller coaster. Since marrying my husband in 2015 we’ve been trying to have a child. Well this dream has come true and I’m currently 27 weeks pregnant! However, it has been probably the most difficult experience in my life to date. The difficulty has occurred because of my disability and the ignorance the medical world has with disability.

I’ve been to countless doctors and had way too many tests. I’ve had clinics turn me away because of my low platelet count six months after I had told them about about my disability. I’ve had cardiologist tell me one thing and give a completely different message to my OB/GYN. I’ve also had labs tell me they could not do a blood draw for me because I don’t have arms and they can’t do out of my leg. That is just some of the medical ignorance that I’ve dealt with while trying to get pregnant.

Since getting pregnant my age and my disability have created some challenges with doctors. I’ve learned that local hospitals do not have platelets on hand. My doctors have been very concerned about my platelet condition. So I’m required to have my baby in Boston in order to be able to have platelets if I need them. I’ve come close to needing a platelet transfusion two already because of getting two colds this year but luckily  my platelet came back up. I still need to meet with anesthesiology to figure out IV access, medication and anything else that you usually put in a person’s arm during delivery.

Our little girl is doing great! She’s growing as expected and the doctors do not have any concerns about her. Every morning I wake up to my husband snuggling next to me putting his hand on my tummy. He waits for her to move. If he doesn’t feel her, she gets a few pokes to get her wiggling. Each time I get overwhelmed by the medical stuff I try to sit back and focus on her.

I’m so excited for this adventure that we are starting a couple and scared out of my mind. We’re about to be responsible for a little tiny human. It’s a bit mind blowing. I will also be a mom with a physical disability and there will be challenges to that.  But just like everything else I have ever done in my life I know I’ll be good at this one.  I have an amazing supportive husband right next to me.

A new job, a book, and a wedding!

10616059_10152782372714073_7923268522615505755_nThe last 12 months has brought quite a lot of change.

In September 2014, I started a new job at the Northeast Independent living program. There I began to work with people with disabilities and it brought some of my personal life work full circle. I would receive referrals from the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission then I would work with the people on living independently in the community. This was one of many new transitions that I have been experiencing over the last couple months. As I settled into this new job I also was still settling in to my new home with my boyfriend and the new community we had moved into.

I continued to work on my book. This is been a childhood dream that I had been working on for about three years at that point. In October I finally pushed myself to get it finished. As many of you already know the end of October 2014 I self published my book on Amazon. It is called “The Impossible Only Takes a Little Longer: One Woman’s Story of Determination”. The support that I received with my self publication was amazing my job of two-month did a book signing for me. My social network of friends and professionals spread the word about my book. As the holiday season arrived many people were inspired by the book and bought it as a gift for other friends and family.

Last winter was very hard all the snow and cold kept me from going outside. Work was closed off and and I have a lot of fear about going outside as I wasn’t sure if I would slip and fall and hurt myself. I took the opportunity to learn new cooking and baking recipes. Then I got to work on getting my book into Kindle format. Within a few weeks I succeeded in getting my Kindle formatted book. This was exciting to me as I wanted to be able to have my book in at least one accessible format. As I’ve learned through the years that as much of the bookworm as I was reading a regular book was often difficult with my hand so close to my shoulders.Between my book being available in softcover on Amazon and then in Kindle I thought life couldn’t get any better.

Excited to be at Magika
Excited to be at Magika

February brought so much more transition by boyfriend and my dad started on our new kitchen that was promised to be accessible. The plans were exciting and the accessibility absolutely thrilling. Gone almost 2 weeks without a full kitchen my boyfriend says to me you want to go out to dinner tomorrow night. I quickly agreed and said as long as we can have vegetables. He smiled and said that is not a problem. The following night we went to my favorite restaurant Outback. Just before dessert he kneed down on one knee and asked me to marry him.

I was so surprised and so excited! The next some seven months would bring a lot of planning. We agreed to have a short engagement so on September 27, 2015 we married. It was the most beautiful day. I had long red dress my husband to be wore a kilt the colors of red and black. I walked down the aisle bagpipes and drums. A reception having elements from Princess Bride and Star Wars. It really was the most amazing day of my life!


October 2015 brings one year since the publication of my book. It has been quite a year as you can see that from above. In my first year I sold 300 books some of that was online, book signings, and family or friend requests. In the next year I hope to get my book out more and use it a teaching tool at perhaps some of the schools. My story is similar to so many people’s stories out there with disabilities. In the sense that they struggled or continue to struggle each day. Society expected less from them and they were always surprised that person succeeded.

Kindle Book now available!


“The Impossible Only Takes a Little Longer: One Woman’s Story of Determination” by author, Sheila Radziewicz

The award winning self advocate and inspirational speaker, Sheila Radziewicz, writes from her heart sharing how she has overcome unimaginable adversity in her life. Highlighted with her beautiful poetry, she teaches us all that “nothing is impossible . . . the impossible only takes a little longer.” Her story is spellbinding! Anyone who seeks inspiration and motivation MUST purchase and read this dynamic journey of her life.

This amazing story is now available in Kindle and part of the lending program so you can share with your friends and family! Enjoy Sheila’s story today with full color pictures of her adventures. “The Impossible Only Takes a Little Longer: One Woman’s Story of Determination” is a page turner and her story will remain with you always. Her unapologetic frankness will bring you both joy as well as sadness and you will find that her zest for life is contagious! Order your copy today

Sheila Radziewicz is not just a self advocate, inspirational speaker, and author she also holds a B.A., as well as a M.A., in criminal justice! Sheila’s newly published book, “The Impossible Only Takes a Little Longer: One Woman’s Story of Determination”, is more than just a book. It is a message about ability. It is one example about how living with a disability can be amazing despite society’s challenges. One must purchase this book and experience her undaunted way of achieving so much despite the odds and obstacles society has put before her.  This book makes the perfect gift to anyone you know. It is recommended for teachers  as a means to educate about intolerance and differences. Her story is moving and inspiring, as she talks about her determination to succeed in an able-bodied world.

“The Impossible Only Takes a Little Longer: One Woman’s Story of Determination” is a page turner and her story will remain with you always. Her unapologetic frankness will bring you both joy as well as sadness and you will find that her zest for life is contagious!

About the Author: Sheila has been fighting injustices her whole life. After receiving her black belt in Taekwondo she began motivational speaking. Since then, she has spoken to adults and youth nationally and internationally sharing her passion for life.   

For more information about Sheila Radziewicz, please visit:

Yes, dreams do come true…

Many of us have had conversations in our childhood about things we want to accomplish someday. For me one of those things was to write a book on my life. I think the idea came to me in middle school . This would be a conversation that I would continue to have with friends and family for many years. Then about three years I started actually writing a book on my life. Then on Sunday I finished! I self published my book after only talking about doing it for about twenty years.

“The Impossible Only Takes a Little Longer: One Woman’s Story of Determination” is now available on Create Space and on Amazon. Currently it is only available in paperback. I am working on formatting it into e-book on Kindle.

The book has stories, poems and pictures that brings the reader through challenges and success of my life. If you’re looking for a story that will inspire you or someone else in your life pick this book up. As I have been told my friends before “I’m just being little me. I never tried to be inspiring.” That was when they responded, “That’s why you are so inspiring Sheila. Keep being you!”. SheilaBookCover_30Aug2014_final

Light, Love, and Positive Energy Series

Sometimes our worlds need to be turned upside down in order for us to receive amazing opportunities. Other times we can receive amazing things by simply thinking positively. Then there is choosing to be happy and therefore happiness just follows you home. The important fact here is that we have the power inside of ourselves to change our present situations. 


Focus on Positive things and you will receive positive.

Focus on Negative things and you will receive negative.


Changing your thoughts and actions can seem daunting if you let it. A few years ago I read “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne and book really spoke to me. It showed me how I could change my life one action and one thought at a time. The truth of the matter was that I had been living by this motto for most of my life. I just had not consciously realized it.  Growing up with my disability I had accomplished things that most believed was not possible. I choose to believe in myself and I succeed. 


You can too!

Winter Solstice

The fall harvests have past
With them brought abundance to hold us through the cold
The crisp winds have blown in
The leaves have changed and fallen

The earth has pulled itself inward
We honored our ancestors at Samhain
By remembering and giving thanks

The flowers are beneath
The animals sleep
The turn of the wheel is upon us

Winter solstice
the shortest day
the longest night
and the beginning of the return of the sun

The beginning of things that are new for the earth and for all of us
Now is your chance to choose
Will you continue going
Or will you look inward and rest

Tonight’s journey is one step in that choice

Remember outer work is a small struggle
Inward work challenges the strongest
It opens you at the core

The demands of the outside have simple answers
The demands of the inner self are more complex
The physical journey reminds us of our strength
The power within is immense
We can conquer anything

The time together is ending so soon
The journey has only started
You must go now forward alone

The tools have been given
The paths have been laid
Will you continue?

The possibilities are endless
Hold that strength
And that inner work will expand

Winter Solstice
Brings light to the dark
A simmering of warmth
To the earth & to us

Leave behind what is done
Welcome the warmth of the new

Boston Strong

Strength & Determination

This we send to you

Know that you are not alone

 We all were with you when your life changed on that fateful day

In a few short days we watched a local, state, and national collaboration seek justice

The crisis is over and reality sets in; We are all now beside you

Across the nation we rally to support you and help you through this time

You will succeed! Life has changed and that has given you opportunities to seek new adventures

The ones taken from us will be remembered

Their laughter, innocence, determination and bravery forever is in our hearts

We are a nation that comes together

Remember you are loved and we are here

Life may not be so easy for a time and that is to be expected

Tears may fall, embrace them they are all part of your healing process

Anger may rise, acknowledge it and send it packing it too will pass

Remember there is a strength inside you that can conquer anything

Take our hands and we will follow you to this new future

Giving you more of what you need to make it

Strength and Determination

This we send to you


Look around and see that everything works for you and nothing for me

Life’s basic rights are often denied to me and you never see

Your structures make assumptions on how another must function

Why isn’t it possible for you to entertain another way

It would cost you nothing to give me equal footing

Yet you hold back and complicate the way

If that is your position then step back get out-of-the-way

I will find the solution as I always must

Bending parts, keeping parts and splitting parts and knew

Life’s basic rights are for the many not the few

Recognize you will

Stand beside you must

Change is coming through

It is a must



Change is in us

change is around us

change is because of us


In us we hold the power

the intent of our change is within

we only need to let it loose


Around us power is everywhere

our intent impacts the change

we only need to visualize it


Our power makes the change

where do you see yourself going

let it loose, visualize it, and it happens


The change is starting

the change can be small or large

the change can pass you by


Look within yourself

open the doors to change

close the doors of fear


Harness the power within

Harness the power around

Harness the power because of us


The energy is growing hold it

mold the energy with intent

go forward with it


Change, power, energy

is in us

is around us

is because of us