Category Archives: Poems

Kindle Book now available!


“The Impossible Only Takes a Little Longer: One Woman’s Story of Determination” by author, Sheila Radziewicz

The award winning self advocate and inspirational speaker, Sheila Radziewicz, writes from her heart sharing how she has overcome unimaginable adversity in her life. Highlighted with her beautiful poetry, she teaches us all that “nothing is impossible . . . the impossible only takes a little longer.” Her story is spellbinding! Anyone who seeks inspiration and motivation MUST purchase and read this dynamic journey of her life.

This amazing story is now available in Kindle and part of the lending program so you can share with your friends and family! Enjoy Sheila’s story today with full color pictures of her adventures. “The Impossible Only Takes a Little Longer: One Woman’s Story of Determination” is a page turner and her story will remain with you always. Her unapologetic frankness will bring you both joy as well as sadness and you will find that her zest for life is contagious! Order your copy today

Sheila Radziewicz is not just a self advocate, inspirational speaker, and author she also holds a B.A., as well as a M.A., in criminal justice! Sheila’s newly published book, “The Impossible Only Takes a Little Longer: One Woman’s Story of Determination”, is more than just a book. It is a message about ability. It is one example about how living with a disability can be amazing despite society’s challenges. One must purchase this book and experience her undaunted way of achieving so much despite the odds and obstacles society has put before her.  This book makes the perfect gift to anyone you know. It is recommended for teachers  as a means to educate about intolerance and differences. Her story is moving and inspiring, as she talks about her determination to succeed in an able-bodied world.

“The Impossible Only Takes a Little Longer: One Woman’s Story of Determination” is a page turner and her story will remain with you always. Her unapologetic frankness will bring you both joy as well as sadness and you will find that her zest for life is contagious!

About the Author: Sheila has been fighting injustices her whole life. After receiving her black belt in Taekwondo she began motivational speaking. Since then, she has spoken to adults and youth nationally and internationally sharing her passion for life.   

For more information about Sheila Radziewicz, please visit:

Book Press Release


“The Impossible Only Takes a Little Longer: One Women’s Story of Determination” by author, Sheila Radziewicz

The award winning self advocate and inspirational speaker, Sheila Radziewicz, writes from her heart sharing how she has overcome unimaginable adversity in her life. Highlighted with her beautiful poetry, she teaches us all that “nothing is impossible . . . the impossible only takes a little longer.” Her story is spellbinding! Anyone who seeks inspiration and motivation MUST purchase and read this dynamic journey of her life.

Sheila Radziewicz is not just a self advocate, inspirational speaker, and author she also holds a B.A., as well as a M.A., in criminal justice! Sheila’s newly published book, “The Impossible Only Takes a Little Longer: One Women’s Story of Determination”, is more than just a book. It is a message about ability. It is one example about how living with a disability can be amazing despite society’s challenges. One must purchase this book and experience her undaunted way of achieving so much despite the odds and obstacles society has put before her.  This book makes the perfect gift to anyone you know. It is recommended for teachers  as a means to educate about intolerance and differences. Her story is moving and inspiring, as she talks about her determination to succeed in an able-bodied world.

“The Impossible Only Takes a Little Longer: One Women’s Story of Determination” is a page turner and her story will remain with you always. Her unapologetic frankness will bring you both joy as well as sadness and you will find that her zest for life is contagious! This inspirational book has been published by createspace.  You will find this amazing book in a print version  now available on Amazon. In addition, an Ebook edition is currently in the works.

About the Author: Sheila has been fighting injustices her whole life. After receiving her black belt in Taekwondo she began motivational speaking. Since then, she has spoken to adults and youth nationally and internationally sharing her passion for life.

For more information about Sheila Radziewicz, please visit:

sharing her passion for life.   

For more information about Sheila Radziewicz, please visit:

Yes, dreams do come true…

Many of us have had conversations in our childhood about things we want to accomplish someday. For me one of those things was to write a book on my life. I think the idea came to me in middle school . This would be a conversation that I would continue to have with friends and family for many years. Then about three years I started actually writing a book on my life. Then on Sunday I finished! I self published my book after only talking about doing it for about twenty years.

“The Impossible Only Takes a Little Longer: One Woman’s Story of Determination” is now available on Create Space and on Amazon. Currently it is only available in paperback. I am working on formatting it into e-book on Kindle.

The book has stories, poems and pictures that brings the reader through challenges and success of my life. If you’re looking for a story that will inspire you or someone else in your life pick this book up. As I have been told my friends before “I’m just being little me. I never tried to be inspiring.” That was when they responded, “That’s why you are so inspiring Sheila. Keep being you!”. SheilaBookCover_30Aug2014_final

Winter Solstice

The fall harvests have past
With them brought abundance to hold us through the cold
The crisp winds have blown in
The leaves have changed and fallen

The earth has pulled itself inward
We honored our ancestors at Samhain
By remembering and giving thanks

The flowers are beneath
The animals sleep
The turn of the wheel is upon us

Winter solstice
the shortest day
the longest night
and the beginning of the return of the sun

The beginning of things that are new for the earth and for all of us
Now is your chance to choose
Will you continue going
Or will you look inward and rest

Tonight’s journey is one step in that choice

Remember outer work is a small struggle
Inward work challenges the strongest
It opens you at the core

The demands of the outside have simple answers
The demands of the inner self are more complex
The physical journey reminds us of our strength
The power within is immense
We can conquer anything

The time together is ending so soon
The journey has only started
You must go now forward alone

The tools have been given
The paths have been laid
Will you continue?

The possibilities are endless
Hold that strength
And that inner work will expand

Winter Solstice
Brings light to the dark
A simmering of warmth
To the earth & to us

Leave behind what is done
Welcome the warmth of the new

Boston Strong

Strength & Determination

This we send to you

Know that you are not alone

 We all were with you when your life changed on that fateful day

In a few short days we watched a local, state, and national collaboration seek justice

The crisis is over and reality sets in; We are all now beside you

Across the nation we rally to support you and help you through this time

You will succeed! Life has changed and that has given you opportunities to seek new adventures

The ones taken from us will be remembered

Their laughter, innocence, determination and bravery forever is in our hearts

We are a nation that comes together

Remember you are loved and we are here

Life may not be so easy for a time and that is to be expected

Tears may fall, embrace them they are all part of your healing process

Anger may rise, acknowledge it and send it packing it too will pass

Remember there is a strength inside you that can conquer anything

Take our hands and we will follow you to this new future

Giving you more of what you need to make it

Strength and Determination

This we send to you


Look around and see that everything works for you and nothing for me

Life’s basic rights are often denied to me and you never see

Your structures make assumptions on how another must function

Why isn’t it possible for you to entertain another way

It would cost you nothing to give me equal footing

Yet you hold back and complicate the way

If that is your position then step back get out-of-the-way

I will find the solution as I always must

Bending parts, keeping parts and splitting parts and knew

Life’s basic rights are for the many not the few

Recognize you will

Stand beside you must

Change is coming through

It is a must



Change is in us

change is around us

change is because of us


In us we hold the power

the intent of our change is within

we only need to let it loose


Around us power is everywhere

our intent impacts the change

we only need to visualize it


Our power makes the change

where do you see yourself going

let it loose, visualize it, and it happens


The change is starting

the change can be small or large

the change can pass you by


Look within yourself

open the doors to change

close the doors of fear


Harness the power within

Harness the power around

Harness the power because of us


The energy is growing hold it

mold the energy with intent

go forward with it


Change, power, energy

is in us

is around us

is because of us



Across the field

Feel the call

See its presence

Anticipate the mystery


Listen to the guidance

Cleanse through the sage

Ready with the chimes


Step slowly, quickly or stop

Go deep, go deeper

Find the inner core

Be aware

Mysteries are within

Baggage is cut loose

Minds are cleared open

The core

Center bring stillness

Awareness comes; confusion passes

Journey out begins


Time and space has changed

Mind and spirit are intertwined

Trance is here


Steps are quick or slow

Emerge from the depths

Release the trance


Distance offers grounding

Friends bring experience

Laughter fills the air


My inner voice has broken free

Once limited

Once timid

Once silent

My inner voice speaks aloud and questions

Why must I follow you

Why should I be silent

Why can there be no change

My inner voice denies your power and speaks of change

Rules are meant to be broken

Yesterday’s truths are today’s lies

Change starts with a single notion

My voice has joined with others

Together the world is different

Together other paths are visible

Together notions of change are growing

Voice is now




Voice teaches




Voice is an agent of change

My voice has brought me full circle

Once hidden

Now it represents the masses

My World

I navigate my world unlike you

And yet you watch me with intent

For years I have been baffled by this

Why are you interested in my world?

I see the world as a puzzle

Each task I work out in my mind before

I watch you to see how I should do it differently

A two-step task for you; is six or eight for me

Is your watch of judgement or of wonder?

Your eyes portray a mixture of both

Why does my world hold your interest?

Is the judgement due to fear or ignorance

You hold no understanding and yet you want to

And so you assume the truth

You hold silent when you could speak your questions

That silence sees my world as difficult and unpleasant

When it is simple and beautiful

The wonder you hold keeps my curiosity

Your excitement grows as you watch my steps

Silence fills the room; Did I miss something

No you are merely watching me

Your mind is full of questions and they are wonderful

My answers give truth to the puzzle of my life

No longer must you wonder how; for I am here to show and tell

I saw myself in my own world

And I watched with wonder

How interesting I found the tasks

The puzzle in my mind; I now can see

I watch with intent, what happens next

How interesting it is, I have watched you for years but not myself

I navigate my world unlike you

You watch me with intent

Now I understand this

My world is different, full of surprise and adventure

Why wouldn’t you want to come and see!